Who we are

Farrell Segall is dedicated to achieving goals through dreaming, innovating, design and implementation of new and alternative solutions to real-world problems and scenarios.
Interests include – Outdoor recreation, camping and hiking activities – Conservation and protection of earth resources – Educational hands-on technology projects – Youth Leadership – Amateur Radio. Qualified in Electronic Engineering and experienced in process and product engineering in the semiconductor industry.

Zee Kesler left the Ontario College of Art and Design with a B.F.A. and an urge to create an inclusive community-based space outside of a gallery setting. As an artist, she is interested in how the arts can be used as a tool to bridge the gaps between cultures and language that face Canadian society.  As an educator,  Zee is interested in how spaces inform one’s ability to learn, be inspired and discover their own passions. As such, she enjoys creating inspiring, unexpected places and environments for learning like the Tiny Community Centre.

Simon Lyons has been driven to take things apart from an early age – sometimes with shocking results! He is a physicist by qualification and inclination, and always has several projects and experiments on the go. Electronics and embedded systems is his passion – in other words, making things that do things! Simon has taught high school physics and math for the past four years but wants to share more of what he feels is important, and enjoyable. The Maker Mobile is his vehicle for that (pun intended)!

Andrew Milne is a student and a teacher. He teaches an after school enrichment program at Science World, where enthusiastic students come to build robots and work on their own independent projects. He is also a graduate student at Simon Fraser University, where his research focuses on methods of teaching that use new technologies and hands-on projects.

 We are currently selling DIY kits to fundraise for our vehicle renovation.